Friday, June 7, 2024

Work on Self

I have always been someone who puts in a great deal of effort to maintain relationships, even when they seem one-sided, often neglecting my own needs in the process. However, through experiencing mutually rewarding relationships that are effortless and enjoyable, I have learned the importance of nurturing my relationship with myself. This includes being kinder to myself, loving myself more, and trusting myself. I prioritize my own well-being, listen to my intuition and body, set healthy boundaries, and recognize when it's time to let go. I proactively seek support or connections before reaching my limits, relinquish the need to control everything, embrace life's flow, and remain open to unpredictability and change.

the more I lost my controlling tendency, the more ease my life and my relationship.
the more I comfortable with my own companion, the more people come to me. 
the more I released judgement to myself and others, the more joy my life. 
the more I focused to important things, the more efficient my life.
the more I am myself, the more everything falls into their place. 

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