Saturday, May 4, 2024

Just Wondering,

Just wondering,
Do men marry truly out of love for their partner, or is it merely for their personal needs? (the need for a field of worship, the need for biological intimacy and sexual relations, the need and desire to marry and have children)?

Is the woman they marry truly the one they love wholeheartedly? Or is she someone considered suitable to take care of him, according to his financial budget, capable of accompanying his vision, capable of fulfilling his needs (biological/financial/social/etc.)?

For women married to someone they love and sleep with, is it the same person and only one? Or can they marry without any feelings, sleep together without any feelings, have a household only as a social duty, and still have other secret lovers who are never revealed and never married?

Do men marry purely out of love, wanting to nurture and care? Or is it all actually done for themselves? to avoid loneliness, to have someone to care for and watch over them again?

Is the love given, the affection poured out, purely for others? Or is it merely to fulfill their own need to love and care for others?

If everything is a choice, merely for fulfilling needs, and done for self-interest. Then what kind of woman is truly worthy and capable of accompanying without ever feeling hurt, betrayed, unbound, and still clear-minded?

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