Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Since the age of 3, I've been busy with school. After graduating from college and having my own money, I became busy with traveling. Whenever I had a little free time, I traveled. To the extent that a friend commented, "Every time I look at a map, I immediately imagine your face. You must have been here and there." Every time I met someone, they asked, "Where are you off to now?" During the pandemic, they commented, "Can't travel, huh?" There are moments in people's memories where I am associated with traveling, even though I'm not traveling anymore. It turned out that the root of my desire to travel was ancestral trauma, generations before me. When that was addressed, my desire to travel vanished. Gone.

Then, my energy flowed into sports: Muay Thai, gym. Intense physical activity triggered adrenaline, full of energy. It turned out that there was a herniated nucleus pulposus (estimated to have occurred 10 years ago during an examination). I shifted to meditation, healing, busy discarding "garbage," addressing trauma, etc. When many were healed, I started to open up, daring to express myself, partying from one place to another, socializing, feeling happy and joyful. And it couldn't be separated from physical activities (releasing excess energy, cardio). My social capacity increased, experiences directed towards self-love manifested in healthy relationships with myself, starting to establish healthy boundaries, becoming aware of many things, starting to include nurturing and nourishing people in my life; leaving behind things and people that were harming, abusive, destructive; starting to get comfortable with ease, abundance, love, respect, trust, vulnerability, taking care of myself, honoring myself, receiving kindness from others, asking for help, setting priorities, etc. Until a point where, whatever was chosen, there was something similar.

Everything led to the journey of spiritual self, to the process of maturity, wisdom, self-maturity, returning to the original self. More than just activities, there were so many experiences, observations, realizations, gratitude, that transformed oneself into a deeper and more conscious state.

Who knows what lies ahead (the future), from the journey until now, everything has brought about positive impacts and continuous self-development that continues to grow and expand.

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