Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Concealing what one is doing, accomplishing, life goals, desires, aspirations, and plans is an essential skill to possess for one's own success. Keeping things secret from anyone and anything, including those closest to you whose prayers you trust, is important.

To desire in silence, to have goals in silence, to plan in silence, to work in silence, to achieve in silence.

Because when plans being made emerge through conversation, even if only superficially and in passing, the energy of others can influence them. Unbeknownst, there are those who judge, who pass judgment, harbor distrust, project their failures, raise expectations, reject, disagree, suddenly become demanding and pressuring, give unsolicited and unnecessary advice, raise hopes—whatever it may be, that's energy that weighs down and can destroy what's being built. Even if it's already finished, let there be a pause to breathe, to feel the success of what's been accomplished, and to explore other opportunities first, before it's finally announced and moved on to another project or goal.

The ability to keep plans secret and quietly work to achieve them is one of the most advantageous life skills one can possess.

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